Sunday, July 7, 2013

Camotes Island 2013

Last June 8-9, 2013, my teammates in Manila visited Cebu and we (Cebu Team) got the chance to organize their weekend vacation here. We decided to have our vacation at Camotes Island. Camotes Island is located at the North East part of Cebu.

To get to Camotes Island, one should take a bus/jeepney going to Danao Port. From North Bus Terminal, it would cost you 60-75 pesos going to Danao Port. Travel time is approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour. At Danao Port, one could get cargo ship tickets for a price of 180 pesos for non-airconditioned seats and 200 pesos for airconditioned seats. Personally, I would advise one to take the airconditioned seats because it's way toooo comfortable than the non-airconditioned ones. Not to mention, the travel time is 2 hours.

Upon reaching Camotes Port at around 8am, we were fetched by a multicab owned by the resort we stayed, Santiago Bay Garden and Resort. Since we travelled on a large group, I decided that we should take the buffet set offered by the resort. As the organizer of the trip, I asked the resort to arrange our lunch at Lake Danao Park.

Group picture at Lake Danao Park

At Lake Danao, there are some activities like horseback riding, riding the sakanaw and some boats. Also, entrance fee at Lake Danao costs 12 pesos. We decided to ride the Sakanaw which costs 500 pesos good for 10 persons, excess person would cost 50/head.

We came across the little island in the middle of the island. Oops, I think I would rather call it an islet. I can say that that islet is good for pre-nuptial pictures. The scenery at the island really is amazing. Group picture and solo picture below. :)
Group picture at an islet at Lake Danao Park

After Lake Danao, we decided to go to Timubo Cave. Entrance fee is 15 pesos. We really had fun inside the cave since the water there is kinda deep. 5-8 feet deep. :)

Group picture inside the cave

After the fun at Timubo Cave, we decided to go to Mangodlong Rock Beach Resort. There was no entrance fee upon entering the resort since we were customers from Santiago Bay. If you prefer to stay on a resort with a wide and white sand on it, Mangodlong would be best for you. At the resort, we played beach and sand games since it was very spacious.

Group picture at Mangodlong Rock Beach Resort

After playing games, we went back to Santiago Bay for our dinner. After dinner, we played some pool games and had some drinks til dawn. The next day, we took the time enjoying the beach while some decided to sleep. lol.

Since the resort only catered us until our breakfast buffet, we decided to take our lunch at the neighboring restaurant, Pito's Sutukil. The foods there are very sumptuous since the crew cooks the fish and seafoods fresh.

After lunch, we headed back to Danao and arrived Danao Port at around 5-6pm. When travelling on a large group like us, (we were 21 that time) I would suggest NOT to rent jeepneys ("pakyaw" in Bisaya) but rather ride the big jeepneys at the terminal which is located at the back of the church. The church is just across the Port. From Danao to SM Cebu, the fare is around 50-70 pesos.

Upon reaching the city, our Manila teammates bought their pasalubong at Tabo-an Market. Afterwhich, we had our dinner at Larsian and had some kinect sessions at Songhits, Crown Regency.

OTC Team

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